Scrabble Club
The Fair-Play agreement is a commitment to NOT USE and NOT RUN anagram programs while you are playing scrabble on the ISC.
Once you have signed the agreement it will be stated in your finger information. If your fairplay agreement is canceled it will be stated in your finger information.
You can cancel the agreement any time but you wont be able to sign it again for a period of time and it will be stated in your finger information that you canceled the agreement.
To sign the agreement use: "set fairplay"
To cancel the agreement use: 'set fairplay off'
If your fairplay agreement was canceled by ISC and you were NOT RUNNING an anagram program please contact an admin.
Seek a game window will let you change your formula so you can play only with players who have signed the agreement.
To get a list of players who have signed the agreement use 'who f'.
SEE ALSO : privacy , contacts