Scrabble Club
SYNTAX : set formula 'min' 'max' 'flag1' 'flag2' 'flag3'
Each player has a formula used to filter the players who receive his seek request. If your 'mood' variable is 1 this formula is also used to filter the seek and match requests that you receive.
A formula has six parameters:
min = minimum rating of the opponent.
max = maximum rating of the opponent.
flag1 = ON if you accept to play with provisional players, OFF otherwise.
flag2 = ON if you want to play only with players who are contributory members, OFF otherwise.
flag3 = ON if you want to play only with players who have signed the Fair-Play agreement, OFF otherwise.
unfinished = opponents must have the level unfinished games equal or lower than this level, it can be 0 - VERY LOW, 1 - LOW, 2 - MEDIUM, 3 - HIGH, 4 - VERY HIGH. Default value is VERY HIGH.
"set formula 1000 1200 OFF" shows that you are interested in players who have a rating between 1000 - 1200 and an established rating(more than 10 rated games played).
Select from the menu Options Set formula to change your formula.
SEE ALSO : setmood , provisional